Monday, July 28, 2008

斷橋和三家福 - 27th July 08

Our troupe had performed 2 shows at Bukit Timah CC yesterday. One is Broken Bridge, the other is The teacher, the thief. I had already put a lot of onstage photos for the Teacher, the thief for the other time, so this time will only put individual photos.


許仙 - 葉禮鳳

白素貞 - 涂秀娟

小靑 - 蘇月愛

許仙和白蛇十五年後的兒子. 哈哈


林吉 - 郭邁霞

劉氏 - 林金梅

苏义 - 葉旭文

孫氏 - 蘇月愛

黃氏 - 涂秀娟

施泮 - 汪美雲


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